Monitoring Good Health with Epic Lucy PHR Software

EMR adoption is fast growing in the medical and healthcare industries. The trend can be observed in many hospitals as the use of computerized medical technologies become more prevalent. Today, improvements in medical information technologies allow everyone to maintain a personal health record or PHR to store their own personal health records online and to manage medical information. Health records are no longer the sole business of doctors and health experts, but of everyone involved including patients and their families.

Epic Systems Corporation is an industry leader in electronic health record innovation with their high-end solutions made to help revolutionize the way patients and physicians utilize electronic medical records (EMR). Epic's Lucy is one of the company's Personal Health Records (PHRs) and is on high gear to become the most widely used PHR.

Epic Lucy PHR is a freestanding PHR designed to give patients control over their health information giving them more flexibility in efficiently monitoring their health. Epic Lucy PHR extends patients control over their health information by patients maintaining the information themselves and allowing them to create inputs or view essential information with regard to their health anytime and anywhere.

Moreover, Epic Lucy PHR provides patients the power to share medical records with their physicians even in the absence of any Epic system. Lucy does not rely on the Epic platform used by medical facilities making it ideal for most patients especially those who prefer to receive assistance from multiple medical institutions. In short, patients can carry Lucy to any medical institution they may prefer to receive care with the information available in an instant.

Adding to the benefits, Epic Lucy PHR boasts an interoperability feature. Patients can transfer information to Lucy stored in other applications offered by different providers without the need to acquire Epic products. Doing so prevents patients from being locked with their current provider and opens door to other systems that might be of help. Patients may also use Lucy to store health information acquired from other facilities. This information, though, should be standards-compliant Continuity of Care Documents. Furthermore, Lucy is made to flawlessly interact with Epic MyChart, an integrated PHR made by Epic.

Though provided with the control to manage their health information including its safeguard, Lucy users can also rely on the security measures imposed on the system. Apart from the built-in security features, Epic guarantees that patients’ data will never be sold to secondary users preserving the confidentiality of the information. In addition, advertisements have no place in Lucy. This is another assurance from Epic that the system is fit for safekeeping health information as well as in ensuring privacy. With Lucy, taking control of one’s health information is absolutely made easy.